The last 30 years have seen considerable changes in the systems and management tools that we have developed for our Christmas production, calculations that used to take hours now can be produced in seconds. Whilst our farming methods have and will continue to be traditional, our administration certainly is not.
Over recent years our systems record data on every one of our farms, so that every cost and input is recorded, so we can accurately cost our Christmas production and compare each farms performance, this helps us ensure we remain profitable.
Now as an extra service to our Poult customers we have produced our FarmGate Formula as a management tool to help your Christmas planning.
If you enter your Farmgate Hatcheries order, it will predict the weight spreads, based on our performance, this of course will vary based on the conditions on your farm. You can then enter as much or as little information as you require to use the costing tool to help you assess profitability or work out the minimum prce you need to charge at Christmas.